Valeria Watson (Valeria’s Beinet Cabaret Bakery)

Valeria Watson (Valeria’s Beinet Cabaret Bakery)


Product Description


An Artistic Practice grounded in African tradition

I have an eclectic practice, where all of my spiritual studies fit cohesively into my daily practice. I encourage others to do the same as well; be open to lessons that you have received from all of your spiritual teachings. For me that comes from various places, like Zen meditation and the Violet Flame. But my overall practice is grounded in Ifa.

Ifa is the ceremonial life that constitutes the organizing principle of the traditional Yoruba religious vision, Isense. It is a view that finds human destiny “rooted in the breath of the Deities”. The unique energies manifest as Ori, divine mind. The Orisha exist in the invisible world (òrun) and lived as humans beings in the planetary world (ayé). Some of the Orisha are listed below.


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